Wednesday 1 June 2011

Introducing Ourselves! =)

Hye everyone~! In this post, we would like to introduce ourselves..

First and foremost, kindly meet...

Nurul Farahin bt Ramli =)
Holding matric number 1027830
My attendance number is 73

Next, introducing...

Alyaa bt Kamarudin
Matric number: 1027464
My attendance number is 71  =)

We are from class ICTM 1803 (Information Technology), section 1 for semester 3 2010/2011. We are assigned by our beloved and charming lecturer, Sir Razi Jalaldeen, to create a blog with our chosen topic. We decided to choose topic number 2 which is 'Challenges of Social Network'. Our group name is 'Terra'.

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