Thursday 2 June 2011

Dangers of Social Networks!

It is undeniable that every single thing in this world has its own risk. Now, we would like to share some risks that user might not realize about social networks. The risks are i) create social problems, ii) safety and security and iii) time consuming.
 i) Create Social Problems
Social problem is issues that are unwanted among society.
The number of user with fake identity is increasing. We believe that they do enjoy cheating others.  Taking advantage on other’s weaknesses is a common thing for this type of people. In addition to that, they can also do anything they want since no one could detect who actually they are. This may lead to negative and moral impact to an individual and society. For example, social networks can cause suicide like what happened to 13 year old girl, Megan Meier. She did commit suicide after she was emotionally hurt because of a boy with fake identity. =)
ii)          Safety and Security          
     Once we fill up our detail information into any social networking site, it is no longer safe. The information that will be viewed by our friends will be also available to strangers which we might not want them to know. It becomes worse when there is inability to control communication among children and teenagers in those social network sites. Most of children nowadays do not think the dangers of exposing what they should not expose. For example, they freely upload their photos into their social network accounts. As parent who concern about their children’s safety, they need to supervise what the children do with their social network accounts.
Another problem users might face is threat of viruses. For instance, Facebook is filled with thousands of users around the world and don’t be surprised if you find out a number of viruses attack through most of the pages. In addition, Facebook also involves several stalkers who enjoy stealing other people account. These people could cost us a lot of money to repair our computer depending how bad the damage are. As to prevent this situation to happen, do update antivirus frequently to filter out new viruses. =)
iii)         Time Consuming
Social networks can be very addictive to certain user. Once we connected with friends, we will keep on discovering what other friends are doing. We might be addicted to update status, chat and reply comments with friends especially with those who we have not met for many years. When we are addicted to those thing, many hours will be wasted, which supposedly we could have done something more important or beneficial. We should fill our precious time to do activities that are more worthy. No wonder why some organizations such as offices and even some schools block the access to this kind of sites due to the reason of wasting time and lead to less productivity to their organizations. =)  

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